2011 Calendar Round-Up

Beau Ideal

Contributor Post by Eva Jorgensen of Sycamore Street Press

When Jan asked if I'd like to do a post about calendars, I jumped at the chance. The only tough part about it was narrowing down all the lovely choices! This coming year, I may have to hang a different calendar in each room...

1 Canoe 2
Avril Loreti
Curious Doodles
29 Black Street
Designed by These Are Things / Printed by Igloo Press
Lisa Rupp
Modern Pop
Pie Bird Press
Flora and Fauna
Sadly Harmless
Seesaw Letterpress
Sycamore Street Press
Up Up Creative

Yee Haw Industries

Jan Halvarson


Jennifer Young said...

LOVE calendar write ups! thank you for this!!

Lulu said...

ah i want a new calendar now! luckily it's one of those thing that you need so you can get away with buying as many as you want and just putting them in different rooms of the house ;]

Melissa Righero said...

I'm so picky about picking calenders. But that bird one is cute.

Anonymous said...

what amazing calenders! i'm quite inspired.
i love making sure the simply things in life are remarkable,

Lobster and swan said...

Oh dear, I like them all!

Alex - The Interior DIYer said...

I really like the Curious Doodles calendar. It's super cute!

Alexandra Snowdon said...

Gorgeous selection! My favourite is the Beau Ideal one, absolutely charming.

Claudia said...

Oh my goodness, I just love these!!! Amazing finds!!!! Hugs, Twiggs

Creative Mind said...

Oh yess these all are cute...I like Modern Pop..birdy calender..thanks for sharing these

Katie said...

These are all wonderful! It's hard to pick just one. A question. Will you be featuring more calendars/round up parts or that was it?

Unknown said...

All of them are so great and unique! My favorite one is the birds!!

Pinecone Camp said...

Great selection of calendars, Eva! I love the "Curious Doodles" one best.

Alfredo Roagui said...

Check out my 2011 Calendar here roagui.blogspot.com or here www.alfredoroagui.com

Ola Silvera said...

Man when calendar season rolls around it's hard to choose. My current favourite is this one from MyZoetrope

These are all great.

April | Everything Little Miss said...

i love the hot air balloon!

Alison said...

Neat calendars!

Laura said...

Oh my I absolutely love all of these how does one choose???

Rachel said...

Beautiful! Almost makes me want to get a paper calendar, although I never use them. I also love the JooJoo calendar on Etsy.

seesaw said...

awe! thanks for including us.

Melly said...

wow. some wonderful calendars here! Maybe you should have Calendars part II! there are just so many awesome calendars out there.

Here are some:



Lily X's


Sexier You said...

Nice! these are wonderful calendar 2011! I love them all.