This Week with Abbey Hendrickson:

Smith & Hawken Garden Structures by Linda Joan Smith
I've been devouring books about gardens and gardening lately and thought I'd share a favorite recent find. Smith & Hawken Garden Structures by Linda Joan Smith is so lovely. Some of the gardens seem do-able, others perhaps not so much. The book in its entirety is a gem though. I'm hoping it'll inspire me to get outside and play in the dirt more. What about you? Have you read any good gardening books lately?

Smith & Hawken Garden Structures by Linda Joan Smith
Smith & Hawken Garden Structures by Linda Joan Smith
Smith & Hawken Garden Structures by Linda Joan Smith
Smith & Hawken Garden Structures by Linda Joan Smith

Jan Halvarson


Brittan said...

I love gardening books and herbal books... I have so many and this is a wonder!!!

ethanollie said...

i just read a book about the husband and wife team who started 'white flower farm'...a sweet little story, good read

that first photo of the garden house makes me want to go punch holes in my shed's walls

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I wish I was outside in a garden right now!

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

These photos are gorgeous! I love having greenery around.