New Collection: Chakra Pennywhistle

There's a new collection launching today that I'm excited to share with you for Chakra Pennywhistle (the new Chakra Pennywhistle)! Designer, Rikkianne Van Kirk has now partnered with her best friend Ursula Arnold (whom she met through their love of Etsy) and the handmade community. Ursula took the very first photographs of the Chakra P. organic pillow line. Through a nice twist of fate, after Rikkianne moving across the country to the same area, they can now work together on a daily basis.

The new collection is inspired by early American folk art and curious objects found in local shops. Rikkiane tells us she has given a modern interpretation of traditional design. The new collection is made out of recycled canvas that makes a very durable, crisp, yet soft pillow! They have priced the covers at $40.00 a piece. The new shop will open at 12 noon (Eastern) today!

Jan Halvarson


    Rachel Dangerfield said...

    How wonderful! I think I'm going to need to start a pillow collection. There are just too many wonderful options out there to choose just one matching set!

    Pinecone Camp said...

    Cute cushions! I love how they were shot too ;)

    Mandy Behrens said...

    Hooray! I've been anticipating her new line. Congrats to Rikkianne and Ursula on the launch of their partnership and these beauties! Cheers, Mandy

    Avalanche Looms / Susan Johnson said...

    You two work so well together & the proof is in this new collection. I love your designs, and the styling. Modern, but also a little nostalgic.

    Anonymous said...

    so simple, and elegant. love them all! xo.

    luluvillage said...

    great styling and photography!

    Kristin H said...

    Simple but fabulous!

    Chakra Pennywhistle said...

    Thank you so much! It is a complete honor to be featured. Poppytalk made our day. We both appreciate all of the kind words. Love this indie handmade world!

    by marie-nicole said...

    The cushions look great... but I also love the flooring!!!

    Unknown said...

    Love these new pillows! The pics are wonderful!
    Found your blog through the Etsy Success article. So glad I did!