DIY - Braided Friendship Necklaces

The talented girls over at Honestly...WTF have a clever and simple DIY on how to make these colourful friendship bracelets, necklaces and belts. A perfect activity for a day at the beach, click here to see how. (Via Refinery 29).

Jan Halvarson


    Apt. #34 said...

    you so just threw me back to 5th grade! love it!!

    adam.and.e said...

    hooray for friendship bracelets! i love these little pretties!

    kate / tinywarbler said...

    i love these!!!!! i will have to try them. thanks for sharing.

    Jan Halvarson said...

    Apt #34 - yay!
    adam.and.e - hooray!
    kate - so fun to see you comment here - i know we have never met, but i have crossed so many different paths with you online it's crazy. let me know how it goes!

    My Owl Barn said...

    These will totally go with my Indian dresses. Now I have to try making one, soon!

    paislea said...

    woo hoo! so much fun! these are perfect! so much fun for summer! i will be making some tonight!


    Jennifer said...

    This is a great idea! I've been making my own versions of the "friendship" necklace and bracelet for myself and my etsy shop for a few months now, and now I'll have to try this one too!
    Thanks for sharing!

    {gemmifer} handmade

    Tania said...

    What colorful necklaces, great idea! A terrific summer project.

    Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

    Woohoo! What a great update of a childhood favorite! I made so many friendship bracelets as a kid...I think I still have some.

    Chakra Pennywhistle said...

    nostalgic! I have been getting into these again! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Sammy said...

    Love them Thanks :-)


    Álfarull said...

    wow love it, I think I'm gonna try that...

    Unknown said...

    i apologize if you've received 3 messages from me. These guys keep asking for a repost…
    Im just wondering if you have of the braided friendship necklaces that you want to sell? I realize this was posted in 2010, but it's always worth asking:)
    They're rad and Id love a bunch of them.
    Thank you for your time!