"Wish You Were Here" Wall

We love this idea to paste vintage postcards to a wall using strips of coloured and striped masking tape! Featured in the July '10 issue of Livingetc, and from the aussie home of Suzanne Dutton and partner Kris Torma, this is such a quick and quirky way to create an interesting space. Vintage postcards from Alfapostcards.com, polaroid postcards from papermash, VictorianBench Michael Warren Design, British Made pillow from The London Cushion Company, Photo album, Masking Tapes and Tape Dispenser from Present and Correct and Ursula bag Ally Capellino.

See more of their home here and other pages from the July '10 issue of Livingetc from the UK blog Bright.Bazaar.

Present and Correct

Jan Halvarson

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Lynne said...

Thanks for mentioning my shop (Papermash.) It does look lovely, I think. I'm going to a car boot sale to look for some old postcards this weekend!

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

Thanks for the link-love, Jan. Such a neat idea, isn't it! I'm going to try something similar in my home office I think.

Gingiber said...

here's my "wish you were here" art: http://www.etsy.com/listing/46347870/i-wish-you-were-here-id-rather-be-alone

wishful nals said...

what a great idea. i love postcards!

Jan Halvarson said...

Lynne - Oh thanks for stopping by, you have beautiful things!

Will - I know I want to do something like that here too!

Gingiber - cute!

Bungalow 36 said...

There is just something about postcards and stamps. And we love the stripped masking tape idea! Fabulous! Great inspiration for creating some new letterpress postcards!!! I love your site!

Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks Bungalow 36!

Candace said...


Mylittlegreatworld said...

Great idea. Gorgeous post

Carol@TheDesignPages said...

Love that idea. The tape helps to make everything more vintage AND we don't have to worry about hanging things. Love it.

Every Little Counts said...

a neighbor of mine growing did something like this. her husband was in the army so they traveled all over the world. her basement was "wallpapered" with postcards and clippings from their travels. there was no space on the wall uncovered. it was amazing!

Nguyen Le said...

Wow, such a wonderful idea - love the postcard wall! I have a huge blank wall that needs something on it - thank you so much for sharing!

Faith Towers said...

Love this idea! I just did a polaroid wall in my living room(see it here: http://designfixation.blogspot.com/2010/06/easy-upgrade-polaroid-wall.html ) but now I'm thinking I may need to add some vintage postcards :)

Anonymous said...

That looks fabulous! I just figured out how to make my own colored and stripey tape, now I just have to find some funky postcards!
