We need your vote!

Dear Readers!

Canadian shelter magazine, Style at Home is running a campaign till Sunday asking "Who is your favourite design blog?". And we're shamelessly asking for your vote.

The winner with the most votes will get a chance to be featured in their magazine! If you like us and feel we're deserving of the opportunity, we would be very honoured and thankful if you would take the time to visit their facebook page HERE to vote. The deadline is tomorrow (Sunday June 13th)! Thank you!

Jan Halvarson


Re:Design Technologies said...

done! i cannot think of another site that i would love to see grace the pages of style at home (again).

Pipi said...

Done :)

Jan Halvarson said...

Aw, thanks ladies!

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

I am here from Style at Home... your blog is lovely!!!


Jan Halvarson said...

Cristin, thank you so much for dropping by!

fede said...


MagicMarkingsArt said...

you got my vote.

becka said...


Jan Halvarson said...

fede, MagicMarkingsArt and Becka - thank you so much!