A Day In the Country: My Modern Country Loo..

Contributer post by Heather Cameron of A Day in the Country
My en-suite bathroom was a nightmare that I couldn't wake from. My husband and I decided it was time for a complete renovation. Our en-suite was hideous. Wasted space, zero storage, a mini vanity for one, an old jacuzzi tub (eww) and tiny shower stall.  All covered in mould, all a nasty shade of pink. Some people would call the shade dusty rose, I called it dirty rose.

And this is my dream.  Bye bye dirty rose, hello clean and pretty!
We moved the wall back into the very large master bedroom. This gave us twice the space. We added an extra window on the right - which faces East and gets the morning sun. I love natural light. I had a stool covered in terry cloth - it's perfect for your clothes or towel or getting splashed on by your toddler in the tub. Pretty curtains custom made by my lovely mom, a Buddha who simply makes me smile, and a pretty chandelier. Yes, the colour purple really pops, but it's unexpected, like the Buddha - I like that in a space. I recently had someone say it's wrong to put the Buddha in the bathroom, but I disagree.  This is the most lovely space in my home. I see him every day, he watches over the entire farm from all the windows, is greeted by the morning sun, and he and my daughter of two have the most wonderful conversations when she is in the tub. How can that be wrong?

A water closet - a must on my list..no need to explain why.

His and her sinks - again, a must!!

For my husband, he had a simple dream.  A shower large enough that the curtain would not touch him. He got it! We used a watery green glass tile and ran it from the floor to ceiling. The floor tile is the traditional and very country feeling octagon with center square. I went with the pale sage green centre square. Oh, the floor is heated too!; I'm so demanding, but it's soooo awesome on a cold morning.

My bathtub is angled in the room.  I can look out over the blueberry farm in total privacy.  I must be honest and admit, that my two year old has laid claim to this tub, and who can blame her. My pretty toiletries have been replaced by sponge letters and barn animals in need of a daily bubble bath.

The details of the space..to start, it all came from Home Depot. I love them.They are affordable, and if you use a bit of imagination, your space can look entirely original!My inspiration for this room was to mix my love of modern country, girly touches and water colours. I love white, and kept it mostly so, but the touches of aqua and robin's egg blue made it come to life.

Here are my paint colours:
The blue on the walls is called Bluebird by Sico – The code for it is 6161-31.
The white I used is called Polar Bear by Behr – code is W-F-200
The water closet and bathtub are painted Sico Anticosti Grey 6161-41

My bathroom was featured in Canadian House & Home. Photography by Kim Christie.


Jan Halvarson


Uncle Beefy said...

Uh. Dorable! And in one of my favorite colors to boot! The sinks are to die! :)

Will @ Bright.Bazaar said...

This is bathroom bliss!

Beatriz Uve. said...

I saw the real statue of that Buddah last week in Japan, in Kamakura!
It's awesome!

Maryam in Marrakesh said...

This bathroom is just gorgeous! So airy and feminine. Oddly enough, I just posted how we styled one of our bathrooms Moroccan style in our house in Marrakech.

Bárbara said...

My dream bathroom definitely. I could spend hours there chillin'

Melissa Righero said...

Your bathroom is remarkable!!! I would gladly fall asleep in that lovely bathtub.

kaye i. said...

I'm in love with your bathroom. It's so beautiful and breezy.

kaye i. said...

I just noticed it was a contributed post by Heather... and I freaked out because I have a friend named "Heather Cameron" and she works as a head of design for an auction company but the Heather Cameron I know is not married and very single and doesn't own a farm. Nope, def not the Heather Cameron I know. I should stop. I'm such a dork. LOL.

Anyways, gorgeous bathroom!

Fly Me To The Moon... said...

Love the colour and attention to details like the curtains and tiles.

The statue of Buddha makes me uneasy though. I am a Singaporean Chinese whose parents are Buddhists. It is deemed inappropriate to have a statue of worship in the toilet/ bathroom. I read you disagree with the comments, but would like to let you know this comes from someone who is slightly familiar with the religion and how followers view the importance of the statue.

No offence intended. I really love everything, except for this, which makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.

Hope you will able to find articles giving advice on appropriate ways to position Buddha.

Unknown said...

Oh, I really love the little tiles in the shower. Perfect colour and shape.

Lady Grey said...

this is seriously the most beautiful bathroom I've ever seen!!

white cat vintage said...

Oh stunning,so serene I just love it.

MagicMarkingsArt said...

I absolutely LOVE that tub - everything about it is perfect. What a delightful bathroom!

Jody said...

it's a beautiful space in all ways, but I too have issues with the placement of the Buddha.

Wahy said...

I really love it!

Anne said...

That really is a beautiful space. Nice work!

Kristin H said...

Daring color. Gorgeous bathroom:)

Sam said...

What a beautiful bathroom, I love it!

Every Little Counts said...

wow... i love it. such a dream!

Anonymous said...

buddha in the bathroom: "how can that be wrong?" buddhism is a real religion like any other. would you put jesus on a toilet? just because you can afford to fulfull your every whim doesn't mean you should. what a typical and unfortunate attitude...

Unknown said...

Ouch anonymous. If you knew me, and you don't, you would know what a ridiculously incorrect assumption you are making of me. Such is life though, you put yourself out there, and people judge you. Sorry to have offended some of you - it was never my intention.

Jan Halvarson said...

Anon - it's typical and unfortunate to leave a comment like this anonymously. It's obvious she's not disprespecting the religion.

Illuminated Perfume said...

I feel desire coming up strong...especially for that bath tub!

keishua said...

sweet space. I like it all. For the record, I have a Buddha in my bathroom a small one, a Mary in the hallway and I use to have the nativity in my kitchen. It's your house and if it gives you peace-then go for it.

My Owl Barn said...

Your bathroom looks stunning! I wish I could have a tub like that.

Bungalow 36 said...

That beautiful blue color is so refreshing. It makes the bathroom look crisp and clean. We love the unexpected things in life. It just make the journey more interesting and fun... beautiful buddha!!!

Heather Feemster said...

So unbelievably fabulous, what a dream, congratulations.

shellie said...

i love your bathroom...what a great retreat especially on a hot summer day...i love to take cool baths on hot days...how typical and unfortunate that someone would leave a comment like that anonymously...

Jennifer Findlay @ Coffee and Couch said...

Just love that bathtub and the shower/floor tiles. Fantastic.

Pinecone Camp said...

Heather, you did a lovely job with that bathroom. I remember the old version. Ouch. You should post a couple of pics of that! Quite the transformation.

Jewels and Cyrus said...

I love your bathroom space, it is gorgeous. We are about to add an addition to our house and want to add a master bath suite. Can you tell me who makes the shower fixtures- I love them.


Unknown said...

Hi Jewels and Cyrus
The shower stall fixture is by Delta - the bathtub and sinks are American Standard. Both came from Home Depot.

Unknown said...

It's my first visit to your blog and I really like it much! Very refreshing and full of inspiration.
Your bathroom looks fantastic. I LOVE the colors and the little details (especially the buddha). I always wanted to have such a tub. You did such a great job!
I'll stop by very often now to see what you have in store for us. :-)
Have a fabulous Monday.

Luna Levy said...

OMG I love this! my dream bathroom too! sooo lovely lovely lovely :)

DRM Holding Hands said...

This bathroom is a girls dream come true.

Erika Duke said...

I realize I'm a tad late on this post but I saw it on Pinterist and searched your blog to find info. I know you said the curtains were made but I'm wondering if you have info on the fabric. It is exactly what I am looking for. Thanks!

Unknown said...

sorry Erika, but I don't have any info on them - I went back to get more, and they didn't have it any longer. So sad! it is so pretty and I always keep one eye open looking for it to appear one day.

dylcia said...

Can you let me know where you purchased the sink? It's so pretty. I want it.

Unknown said...

Hi, the bathroom is beautiful but I just want to say is that the Buddha statue should place in a more sedate place because I think Buddha the one should deserve our respect, so may be in the living room... That's just what I think, please don't take it too personal. I do love your new bathroom a lot. :))