We found a great find this week for a weekend project. Readymade Magazine always has good ones and this table made out of pallets is obtainable just about anywhere. We've all seen those cast-off pallets hanging around any store's back door and even though no two are alike, they've got it covered. Click here for the directions by Jen Turner and here for the article. Photo credit: Greg Scheidemann
i love a rugged table....actually i have pallets lying around @ my work warehouse....great tip thanks
They make it sound so easy don't they!
He knew pallets coffee tables, but this new idea seems great .. tb and easily.
I was just in West Elm in Philadelphia and there was a display where they stacked pallets end to end, screwed together with metal plates and hinges, and created a large folding screen. And there were frames and such hanging from it. Amazing idea - I'm going to try it in my backyard to seclude my patio a bit!
I love this! There are oodles of pallets in our community too. I can't wait to show this to my husband, since we are in the market for a backyard table anyways.
Too bad it is SNOWING in Calgary. Boo.
Thanks for the idea - my husband is obsessed with recycling pallets right now and this would make a great patio table!
How lucky I am to read this post! These days I'm walking around scanning for some palettes in good condition, because I want to make a table for our country house.
wow - well if any of you make any - please email pics - i'd love to see!
I wish I was that Handy! Would have loved that dining table!
Maybe I'll add this little project to my list of "things to do"! What a great table. Again jan, I don't know how you find all these great projects, stories, etc.
have a good weekend!
hey janis - and yeah half the fun would be scouring the city looking for them, listening to some tunes. pallet craft day?
I think that is just the neatest thing! I think I might have to use this idea for a desk in my new bedroom!
my 18year old son asked me some weeks ago if i could make a daybed out of pallets, so he could chill in the garden...
Okay, so am I the only one who wants to know where the wall decal is from or how it is made?
wood & wool stool - i'm sure if you made them they'd be beautiful! and aren't you too young to have an 18 yr old?
Pieter Jan Rosiers - you are totally not the only one - i wish to know too - and sent out my query to them.
I second wanting to know where the bird art is from. Can anyone post the source? I can't find it online.
Love, love, love the bird decal. I'd really like to have one for myself.
I love this idea. There always seems to be free pallets on Craigslist.
Completely agree about the bird wall decal- amazing! Would love to know the source...
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Now I know what to do on my old wooden tables. I have lots of them. This post is going to be my inspiration in remodeling those tables.
Hey new follower here..
it looks great and very beautiful
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