Sustainable Housekeeping 11 Comments Tea towel using non-toxic ink by Nina Glaser and ninaglaser.etsy.comClothespin pillow using recycled fabric by Coucou SalutLarge Coffee Sack Basket by Brin and Nohl and BrinandNohl.etsy.comClothespin basket by Downhomeamy and downhomeamy.etsy.comRecycled Billboard Banner Storage Bin by Nottypooch and Nottypooch.etsy.comVintage French Ticking Stripe Market Tote by Jill Bent and Jan Halvarson 11 comments: Monika - Twoja Asystentka said... I love these bags and baskets. Useful and beautiful. 1:04 am, April 13, 2010 The Big Mac said... Love the 'use me' tea towel, very clever.x 1:46 am, April 13, 2010 Lady Grey said... oh my gosh, I love that clothespin bag!! 4:51 am, April 13, 2010 see steph sweat said... i neeeeed that coffee sack its amazing 6:08 am, April 13, 2010 kimberj said... So inspiring! I know the perfect person for the clothespin bag :) I'll have to email her. 9:27 am, April 13, 2010 Unknown said... I love the cushion!! And i absolutely love the book cover on the bottom picture! 9:53 am, April 13, 2010 Lulu said... i LOVE those clothespin pillows! they're amazing! 4:41 pm, April 13, 2010 Eva / Sycamore Street Press said... Great post! Makes me want to buy a bunch of those basket/totes and start organizing. 5:18 pm, April 13, 2010 Kellie said... I love the clothes peg basket too, how neat that you can clip it over the clothes line with the suspenderclasp. I'm definitely checking out those shops on Esty. Thanks for the post! 9:25 pm, April 13, 2010 Unknown said... Love these! Ran right over and ordered the coffee sack basket! 12:50 pm, April 14, 2010 Jill said... thank you for the mention, jan!love all these other things too :) 2:33 pm, April 18, 2010 Post a Comment Featured post Exciting News! Poppytalk Has Moved! Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po... Popular Posts Favourite Handmade Papergoods Please leave a comment here nominating your Favourite Handmade Papergoods Artist/Designer/Shop . Paper goods includes anything made with pa... Win 500 Stickers In Our MOO Giveaway! The fine folks at MOO are hosting a fun giveaway this week here on the blog! They have provided us with 50 of their new round stickers an... Poppytalk Handmade Earth Day Giveaway! To celebrate Earth Day's 40th Anniversary today and our "Green Pop" eco-themed market at Poppytalk Handmade this month, we a... Poppytalk Giveaway! Fine Art Polaroid Prints We love this series of fine art prints by Andrea Jenkins of Hula Seventy . So much so we have purchased three to give away here on the blog... A Domino of a Giveaway! We were very sad (like many we’re sure) when the news of Domino Magazine closed. However their innovative and gorgeous ideas live on in the... © 2005 - 2021 Poppytalk. Powered by Blogger.
I love these bags and baskets. Useful and beautiful.
Love the 'use me' tea towel, very clever.x
oh my gosh, I love that clothespin bag!!
i neeeeed that coffee sack its amazing
So inspiring! I know the perfect person for the clothespin bag :) I'll have to email her.
I love the cushion!! And i absolutely love the book cover on the bottom picture!
i LOVE those clothespin pillows! they're amazing!
Great post! Makes me want to buy a bunch of those basket/totes and start organizing.
I love the clothes peg basket too, how neat that you can clip it over the clothes line with the suspender
clasp. I'm definitely checking out those shops on Esty. Thanks for the post!
Love these! Ran right over and ordered the coffee sack basket!
thank you for the mention, jan!
love all these other things too :)
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