Submissions Call: Embroidery

Hank of the colour threads

Leanne Prain, co-author of the book Yarn Bombing is about to embark on writing a new book this year on the subject of embroidery. And she's looking for pattern contributers. The book will be called Hoopla: The Art of Unexpected Embroidery, and she is looking for unusual needlepoint artists. She is looking to connect with folks before June 15th as the manuscript is due December 1! She's set up a blog to provide information for those who are interested in submitting. Click here for the full details.

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

Sounds very exciting! Xx

Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

Could this be better timing? Can't wait (already have some patterns in mind!)

Andrea on Third Street said...

Thanks for the tip!