Fresh From The Oven: Alyssa Nassner

Contributer Post by Will Bryant

I just came across the beautiful work of Alyssa Nassner! Daaaang this girl is good. Alyssa is about to graduate from MICA with her BFA in Illustration. Check out her sizzling portfolio!

More from Alyssa:
- Portfolio
- Visual Journal
- Flickr

Jan Halvarson


shellie said...

i love cute!

Unknown said...

Oh wow, I would buy it all up! She is going to be mighty successful, for sure!

shellie said...

that is sad im glad i dont live in ok...its funny when people think the govt is trying to control them yet there is a whole political and philosophical group that is trying,with laws mind you, to control people in the most extreme way...sometimes its necessary to get political on occaision.

shellie said...

wrong comment on wrong blog how on earth did i do that!

Julia said...

"live and let live" is totally my life motto. i would buy it! :)

Franchesca said...

love her portfolio!! thanks for sharing

Lori P said...

Very talented, indeed. She knows how to edit and keep it simple. Love it.

Julie said...

Absolutely LOVE the third picture! So very talented, thank you for sharing!

Wahy said...

those are cute! x)

Anne Lalalala said...

I like the "you're invited!" card
I would love to send that one too my friends for my Birthday party :)

Chris said...

j'adore le motif à fleurs (i love the flowers pattern) :)

Alyssa Nassner said...

Wow! I just wanted to say thanks for the kind words, I was just browsing the web and came across this, it blows my mind! I really appreciate it.