A little Turquoise

Picture 8

Coalesse's EMU Ivy collection, Carson Turquoise Round Rug, Crate and Barrel, Coalesse's EMU Ivy collection (new stacking chairs & table), and Shadowy Chair designed by Tord Boontje at Anthropologie.

Jan Halvarson


AMIdesigns said...

Loving these turquoises

Lulu said...

that last chair is a total trip. it's amazing!!


Chrissy Foreman C said...

My favourite colour in the whole universe! Gimme gimme!!

Jessica said...

lovely color.

wood & wool stool said...

EMU chairs are brilliant
this is my favorite

Mallory - Miss Malaprop said...

Wow, that last chair is amazing. Like, makes your jaw drop amazing.

Pinecone Camp said...

A little FABULOUS turquoise, actually! I love this colour, Jan. Love the outdoor furniture. I have to start saving my pennies.

Jan Halvarson said...

Pinecone Camp - me too Janis! It's always been a colour I've never grown tired of.

Charlotte said...

I adore the blue cafe chairs! So dainty yet so metallic and bright.

- Charlotte