Fun with Food

Mondrian cake from Blue Bottle Cafe by luiredaily

Jan Halvarson


PaisleyJade said...

That cake is soooo cool (and those coffees look fab too!)

Núria said...

it looks delicious

kimberj said...

almost too beautiful to eat/drink... almost :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this!

Audrie said...

Haha that's awesome!

Cori said...

Too cute! I'd love to try making this myself.

Erika Knight said...

That cake is so pretty, I want to knit it!

Cathy Nichols Art said...

Oh my gosh. This is the coolest cake ever. I want a piece right now!

miss dzine said...

Yeah but what about the coffee? Come to New Zealand - where I used to live - for the best coffee outside Italy!

Cindy Uson M. said...

so perfect!

Sandra said...

I want to eat that right now!

Kim said...

Thank you for featuring my picture! Normally, I only get a few views on flickr. And that's ok. But this particular picture garnered 600+ views. I was astounded, to say the least, haha.


Jan Halvarson said...

Thanks everyone for your comments and Blithely - what I'm sure everyone would like to know is, was it as good as it looks?

Unknown said...

that mondrian cake is amazing!!

JenRem said...

Wow, how did they make that cake? It's SO cool. I want to make that. Golly - yum!

Unknown said...

wow. genius and I'm guessing delicious. I want to go to there.

Janneke said...

So great! I wanna eat such a cake!! :)