Artwork Reveal! Angus and Julia Stone

Sweet looking artwork in this deluxe edition packaging from Aussie band, Angus & Julia Stone that was just revealed today online via their US/Canada and Vancouver-based label, Nettwerk. The album is apparantly available to pre-order now for Australia and the US/Canada. They also revealed another snap-shot of artwork from the album booklet - The photographs and collage pieces are all from the The Stones family photo albums. Also check out their website, it's rather cool; (designed by squarehand design).

Jan Halvarson


aimee said...

i can't believe you just posted about angus and julia :) i love their work :) and that packaging really is divine!

katy said...

love angus and julia stone! very exciting news ;)

Lulu said...

this is gorgeous! that packaging really is amazing.

LJ said...

This really is gorgeous - I saw A&J on Friday night live and they are supremely talented, their music just as thought evoking as their branding - love it. LJ