Weekend Project: Lotta Light Fixtures

Karyn from Make Something offers up a fun yet easy weekend project using twin socket adapters that you can pick up at any hardware store. After seeing a light fixture she had spotted a while back (from an old Blueprint magazine) from the studio of Lotta Jansdotter, Karyn gives a little how-to over at her blog, which is worth checking. Click here to see more. Images from makesomething.ca.

Jan Halvarson


Wunderkammer said...

I like this lamp,thank you for this idea best regards Jürgen

Garberg Design said...

How awesome!I have to go to bed now, but I will check out the links tomorrow:)Good night!

Sara LeeAnn said...

What an interesting idea. I love the freeform shape! Thanks for sharing this. :-)

Laura Trevey said...

What a unique idea.... very cool!

thea said...




Anonymous said...

Here's mine, http://www.flickr.com/photos/skykomie/4433423491/