The Great Canadian Mitten Giveaway!

Fiona from Cafe Cartolina is having a giveaway on her blog this week called the Great Canadian Mitten Giveaway. She apparantly received so many emails from her readers asking her how they could get some of the coveted red, Canadian Olympic Mittens that are the fashion hit of the games so far. So she managed to get her hands on some of the official wooly wonderfulness that everyone is coveting - and they could be yours! Click here to enter.

Jan Halvarson


Ruth said...

I got a pair from my cousin in Vancouver. They are very cozy mittens! Don't quite need them in Northern California - but ......

Indie Mom and the Reluctant Banker said...

Oh, these are so cute! And they'd be just right for the brutal winter we're having here in Denmark.

Helena said...

My housemate has a pair of those (she's Canadian) and she loves them! They are indeed very cute.

Fiona Cartolina said...

Thanks for posting this Jan. You must come and read some of the cute and funny comments(and the cutest came from your readers!)

Jan Halvarson said...

craftcrave - printables?

Fiona Cartolina said...

CraftCrave? Printables?