The DIY Night @ MOV

Last night I dropped by the Museum of Vancouver, for " a Night of Social Crafting"! It was a rather delightful affair, where friends arrived together to learn a new craft, to knit, to collage, screenprint, charcoal amongst a group of like-minded and creative thirsty people. It was just a nice place to be, some sipped beer, other's wine, and some viewed the craft tables where things were for sale. I finally met the ladies from Yarn Bombing, The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti (Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain); picked up a most lovely soap from Olive and said Hello to Andrea who was manning a table from Got Craft. All in all it was a fun little evening, and hopefully the start of many more!

Jan Halvarson


Lisa said...

This was a fantastic event, I had a wonderful time. MOV rocks!

Unknown said...

It was great to finally meet you in person, Jan! Thanks for coming over to say hi.

Jan Halvarson said...

Yes it was fun to meet you Ladies - thanks for all the great tips!