Be Mine Gifts January 27, 2010 13 Comments Wood personalized guitar picks from Bliss in a Tea CupB Mine Tags from OlivemannaMessage Pencils by OlivemannaCourting Wooden Bookmark by Bliss in a Tea CupLove Hearts by ArtmindSachet Book by ErinzamHeart Tea Strainer by Beehive Kitchenware Jan Halvarson Related Posts:Valentine Ephemerai believe in loveLovebird Rings 13 comments: Anonymous said... very cute gifts. xo. 11:57 pm, January 26, 2010 Sabahnur said... ohhh valentine.. romance in the air.. i have a valentine collection, and i was very happy while preapering it.. 12:46 am, January 27, 2010 Chloe said... ooo they're amazing finds! I love them all :o) i know a few people who'd love those Guitar picks - thankyou for sharing!Chloe x 5:20 am, January 27, 2010 las sandalias de ana said... like always delicious items! ;) 6:48 am, January 27, 2010 soisses-dasleben said... very nice gifts! like them all... 10:02 am, January 27, 2010 Mycharmingcolors said... I totally just went and bought some guitar picks to have monogramed for my fiance for our wedding day!thanks!!!! 10:23 am, January 27, 2010 Jaeveberry said... Those are all lovely gifts! i like the guitar picks and the pencils! 11:50 am, January 27, 2010 Cori said... Love those guitar picks! I wonder if they are meant to actually be played with? I've had my eye on some of those stamped metal ones, but I'm sure they'd sound terrible on a guitar if you're looking for function. 11:54 am, January 27, 2010 Jaime @ laviejaime said... Great ideas for gifts... love the guitar picks and the tea strainer especially! 12:20 pm, January 27, 2010 monkeyandsquirrel said... oh that little tea strainer is just too much!so cute :) 12:53 pm, January 27, 2010 Mitsy / ArtMind said... I love Erinzam's work! Thanks for including my tags! :) 1:17 pm, January 27, 2010 Wayside Violet said... i bought a set of guitar picks for my husband for our anniversary (back in dec.) and he ADORES them! 5:54 pm, January 27, 2010 Karyn said... I can't wait to get a set of guitar picks for my husband for Valentine's Day! It will be such a nice surprise. 10:47 pm, January 29, 2010 Post a Comment Featured post Exciting News! Poppytalk Has Moved! Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po... Popular Posts Favourite Handmade Papergoods Please leave a comment here nominating your Favourite ... Poppytalk Giveaway! Fine Art Polaroid Prints We love this series of fine art prints by Andrea Jenkins of ... Poppytalk Giveaway! Summer Art Grouping by Tastes Orangey Undertow Clare Elsaesser of Tastes Orangey is offering a ... Win 500 Stickers In Our MOO Giveaway! The fine folks at MOO are hosting a fun giveaway this week ... Help Japan Alicia Bock Everywhere I turn, I'm seeing more and more ... © 2005 - 2021 Poppytalk. Powered by Blogger.
very cute gifts. xo.
ohhh valentine.. romance in the air.. i have a valentine collection, and i was very happy while preapering it..
ooo they're amazing finds! I love them all :o) i know a few people who'd love those Guitar picks - thankyou for sharing!
Chloe x
like always delicious items! ;)
very nice gifts! like them all...
I totally just went and bought some guitar picks to have monogramed for my fiance for our wedding day!
Those are all lovely gifts! i like the guitar picks and the pencils!
Love those guitar picks! I wonder if they are meant to actually be played with? I've had my eye on some of those stamped metal ones, but I'm sure they'd sound terrible on a guitar if you're looking for function.
Great ideas for gifts... love the guitar picks and the tea strainer especially!
oh that little tea strainer is just too much!
so cute :)
I love Erinzam's work! Thanks for including my tags! :)
i bought a set of guitar picks for my husband for our anniversary (back in dec.) and he ADORES them!
I can't wait to get a set of guitar picks for my husband for Valentine's Day! It will be such a nice surprise.
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