White Inspiration from Scandinavia

White inspiration from Sweden today from a couple blogs, shops and interior decoration sites. Martine Colliander, Biskopsgarden blog, Biskopsgarden and The French Testament.

Picture 3martinecolliander.com

Picture 2martinecolliander.com

Picture 5martinecolliander.com

Picture 4martinecolliander.com

Picture 6biskopsgarden.com
Picture 1biskopsgarden.com

Picture 7biskopsgarden.com
Picture 8biskopsgarden.com
Picture 9biskopsgarden.com
Picture 10biskopsgarden.com

The French Testament


Jan Halvarson


Kickcan & Conkers said...

yes, I definitely need to check biskopsgarden out - beautiful pics

Katherine Lee said...

those images are so lovely! i love love love white on white. thanks for the inspiration!

xo katherine aka. urban flea :)

Mandy Behrens said...

Absolutely divine....and impossible to incorporate into my home until my little darlings are away to college. Thanks once again for sharing such beautiful design Jan! Cheers, Mandy

Tom Bjorn Designs said...

thank you! I love these :))

alexkeller said...

oh, i love white everything. just not possible with the hubby, son and dog. i tried white slipcovers once, back in my shabby chic days - and they could've used a wash at least every other day! Here's a great site for all white http://www.livingwithwhite.com/

Adina said...

LOVE the first picture!

Lianne said...

I hat to revive an old post, but do you have any idea where the pillow of the woman like a painting is from?