i made this for you... vol 14

I made this for youHeart&baconmain Heartbacon

they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... and this is certainly true for stephen. we take turns packing our lunches each week and i've been trying to cut everything into a heart shape. on monday, i started with this simple sandwich.

From shaunaSHinH


Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

aww this is so cute :)

Emily said...

That is adorable maybe I will do that for my hubby, of course I am not sure he would take time to look at the shape and probably just eat the thing ;)

Unknown said...

I love this series. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

Ash said...

I love this!! Too cute!

rachel red lips said...

adorable!! i saw a sandwich cutter like this at value world and didn't buy it...i hope its still there!


My Owl Barn said...

So sweet! Emily, the same is true for my husband. I still feel compelled to try :)

flor said...

how cute! simple, yummy and adorable!