Handmade Portraits: Enhabiten
It was fun to watch this new Handmade Portrait that the folks at Etsy made covering the work of Liane Tyrell, a.k.a. enhabiten. Liane is interested in handmade marks, whether they're in paintings, drawings or the stitches she makes on her unique housewares, the patterns and textures of a surface entice her. We've been big fans of LIane's for quite a bit now and were honoured when she joined us last year in our marketplace. Click here to see more of her beautiful work. Video produced, shot and edited by Tara Young, (Music by Eric Beug, animation by JuliaPott).
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1 comment:
It's wonderful to see any artist following their gut, and their love rather than trying to make things with the mindset of 'will this sell/is this the trend'. This was a wonderful portrait, and great to see another person who loves old things so much like myself.
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