Beautiful Printable


Many of you I'm sure know of the amazing scanned in collections from Flickr wonder pilllpat (agence eureka). French ephemera such as paper crafts (my favourite), magazines, drawing instruction books, painting manuals, the collection is endless and really "a dream come true" for anyone who loves retro ephemera and typography. I have written about it in the past here and again today I was lured into her lair where I found this beauty from a painting manual. The size is approximately 10" x 15" (here is a link to the original scanned size - 150 dpi - but if made smaller could work). Take it into photoshop to fit for your 8.5 x 11 printer; perfect to print out and frame don't you think?

Jan Halvarson


Nettie Edwards said...

How could I have overlooked this gem???? I must have been sleeping! Thanks so much for the link x

Cari Byers said...

awesome thanx a ton!