The Twenty Tweetable Truths About Magazines

Magazine Publishers of America has created a short, two-minute video about the vitality of magazines. They call it “The Twenty Tweetable Truths About Magazines.” They wanted each “truth” to be short and simple to understand, which is why they’re 140 characters or less. (Via Fontshop). And so we ask, like Fontshop does. If this is true, why are all the magazines folding?

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

Maybe it is because many magazines rely on ad sales rather than subscriptions, and companies have slashed their marketing budgets in this tighter economy?

michelou said...

I think what you have to be careful of is asking something like "why are all the magazines folding?"

I'm sure the stats are correct (the number of magazines folded in 2008 was less than 2007) and perhaps it just seems like "all the magazines are folding" because the magazine genre you read isn't as healthy as others.

That being said, it would be good to see updated stats about 2009.

This video talks about the magazine industry as a whole, not specifically about .. food magazines, home decor magazines, current event magazines, etc. It would be interesting to see the fold rate in each of the genres when compared to the past years.

Jan Halvarson said...

Michelou, perhaps you're right, thank you for clarifying that.

Heidi said...

I feel like a lot of these stats are inflated, but I do for the most part believe that magazines aren't about to disappear from our culture. Like newspapers, they will simply change.

Part of the financial problems magazines face right now is the hesitance of advertisers to run in them.

Readers don't financially support publications, ads do.