Swoon on Gestalten TV

Swoon, one of our most favourite contemporary artists EVERRRR is featured in a rare interview at Berlin's Urban Art Info Gallery by the folks at Gestalten. We've seen her work often in images of beautiful states of decay covering the streets of New York for years, so it's awesomely cool to hear her talk about her work, her projects and thoughts about art. Thank you to Gestalten TV for allowing us to feature this piece here.

(via Flower Bomb via Arrested Emotion via Wooster Collective).


Jan Halvarson


Giulia said...

Thank you! I loved putting face/voice to her work.

Sweet Shallom said...

Thank you so much for the post. it made my day. i love Swoon's work. i've been following her for a while, but i've never been able to find a good interview or a way to explain her methods of art. i love her wheat pastes.

again, thank you

Ward Jenkins said...

Very cool. This is the first time I've even seen what she looks like. A very rare thing, indeed.