2009 Holiday Gift Guide: For Her


1. Yvette Lace Necklace, whiteowl.etsy.com
2. Jewelry Wall Hook, urbanouttters.com
3. Four Eyes USB, uriosityshoppeonline.com
4. Poppy Wall Wear, neawear.etsy.com
6. Thrill-of-the-Chase Boots, anthropologie.com
5. Fifty Dresses Book, urbanouttters.com
7. Inspiration Hoop, blissinateacup.etsy.com

Jan Halvarson


Jeanee said...

I have that Urban Outfitters jewelry wall hook in black. LOVE it! Makes my jewelry look all pretty and grown up.

Khristian said...

that lace necklace is to dye for! it would be nice appliqued on that lovely old journal too! :)

Jan Halvarson said...

Oh Jeanee - I'm jealous!

Khristian - yeah it would, wouldn't it.

Janick - Nea said...

Thanks a lot for having my Poppy piece Jan! :)