Charming House Tour at ATSF


Loved the look of this corner when I first spotted this charming Mission District house tour in my inbox this morning from Apartment Therapy. Something about the colours (red shoes, turquoise box/silhouette, yellows) and mix of old and new. Click here to see more.

Jan Halvarson


Anonymous said...

so lovely

Cari Byers said...

What a great apartment! Retro girl myself, this place has some wonderful stuff!!!

Gloria Chik / said...

this is so intensely beautiful! Love the inspirations

Linda (Heartfire At Home) said...

Lovely! The red shoes do it for me... I have a pair of red boots sitting out in my bedroom, and a pair of red glossy shoes (I call them my ruby shoes) in the spare bedroom!

I am definitely a 'red' girl when it comes to accents and accessories!

Linda. :)