Ones To Watch: robbinschilds

by Hulaseventy

Pica's Time-Based Art (TBA) Festival has been going on all week here in Portland, Oregon and I've been so busy I haven't been able to catch a thing. Thankfully, there's still time. Not too late to catch a performance or two. Or three. Or more. My one not-to-be-missed pick this year? robbinschilds and their performance/installation C.L.U.E. (color location ultimate experience).

I'm giddy over the way they combine movement and color.

Thoroughly intrigued with the way they play off architecture.

And landscape.

Actually, I think I'm in love.

robbinschilds is Layla Childs and Sonya Robbins, two movement artists who have been presenting original choreographed works and installations since 2003. Read more about them here. And if you're in the Portland area, check out the TBA Festival. A virtual smorgasbord is what it is. The very best kind.

(Photography by A.L. Steiner)

Jan Halvarson


Kristen Andrews said...

very cool work, love all the color contrasts

Denise Kiggan said...

Very inspirational - Lovely neutrals and bold bright touches.

Kickcan & Conkers said...

Love the picture with the colourful clothes.

Coco Cake Land said...

jan you're the coolest for featuring this!! great stills!

lisa solomon said...

um YEAH!