Just Something About This...

I just want to grab my umbrella and boots and take this sweet Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Cosmo Carryall (apple tart pattern) for a walk. A vintage- inspired doctor style fashion bag meets current-day functionality for the sophisticated mom on the go. From Design Public.

Jan Halvarson


Pinecone Camp said...

There is definitely something about that bag. I think it might go with the Comrags dress I want.

Tessa said...

That bag is adorable! Love the little details...

erin m jones said...

Oh, we love these bags! I have one of the bigger tote sizes in black...but a mom/girl/woman can always use another!

Audrie said...

It's so adorable and so striking! Lovely :)

Jan Halvarson said...

Pinecone Camp - yes the Comrags dress would definitely work! with green shoes!

erin m - yes one can always have another totally!

Tara Diane said...

So cute!!

lisa solomon said...

how badly do i want this?