Affordable Art {afternoon edition}: Olivia Jeffries

olivia jeffries

This afternoon's affordable art pick comes from th UK's Olivia Jeffries. This piece is called Years of fun and misery.... is an original framed drawing using pencil, ink and gouache on found cardboard with annotation. The note in the corner reads: Dear Peg, In remembrance of all the sweet times we had together and all the four years of fun and misery which we so miraculously survived. Love always, Hammy.

Along with this piece, Olivia has a new book of sketches out, which is something she curated of her own work in a book/zine type thing. Click Olivia's Etsy shop, for more info.

olivia jeffries
olivia jeffries

Jan Halvarson


Unknown said...

I love Olivia Jeffries! Her work is so beautiful... I have a print of hers sitting by my bedside that I get to enjoy every morning when I wake up and every evening when I go to sleep.

Micaela said...

she is my absoulute favorite artist- ABSOLUTE!!! my first ever original art buy was her work... my boyfriend got MAJOR points for that gift :)

i just bought this book recently and am SO excited to receive it.

i love your affordable art series.