2010 Calendar Round-Up 1



upup.etsy.com - take-along calendar

govango- pdfprintablegovango.etsy.com








thpaperthievesthe paper thieves

Jan Halvarson


The Fab Miss B said...

What great picks! There were many new to me etsy sellers too! Thanks!

Ana @ Merry Blues Art said...

Thank you SO much for featuring my calendar! I'm an avid poppytalk reader and I can't tell you how thrilled I was to come across this post :)

Eva said...

oh! new calendars! I LOVE buying new calendars and this time its so hard to make a choice! Do calendars get better and better every year? I think so...

jenny said...

awesome timing! i am in the market for a calendar :) annnd a planner. thanks!

iva yaneva said...

is it time for this already? those are all beautiful!

Sarah M said...

These are gorgeous calendars -- I've been getting more and more into paper goods.. and it started with letterpress/gocco letters.. and now I'm falling in love with these calendars. Great finds!

Kate said...

Great selections! All of them are so artistic. Everyone does such great work! But I can't believe it's time to start thinking about calendars already!

Claire Mercado-Obias said...

These are gorgeous! I want to new year to start right away! =)

cathy said...

Love these calendars and paper stuff. You have to add my memory list cards to your list - see here - http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26846481
Thanks for all the great links - Iove finding great paperwork artists! - especially on etsy.

monkeyandsquirrel said...

these are great. i went hunting for that last one because the link didn't seem to work and i absolutely love it. i found it here...


it's so cute and small, this is right up my alley! gotta get it!

susy said...

Thanks so much for featuring my 2010 Desk Calendar, Jan! More images of the month pages are up on my site, if anyone is interested in peeking! I love all of these-- I can't wait to see the rest of the picks! Calendars are such a great reason to get creative each year!! xx susy (susyjack*)

Kickcan & Conkers said...

Really great selection here, I like them all but I think colettepaperie's and elles' are my favourites. marcvellous finds with vintage appeal. Nice to see so many etsy sellers as well.

The Paper Thieves said...

Thank you so much for featuring my calendar. I have letterpress ways in the works also that will be available soon.

The correct link my The Paper Thieves etsy store is:

Thank you again!

Coco Cake Land said...

oh! so great. i love the cotton candy haired lady pushing the party cart!!

erika at delphine said...

Thanks so much for featuring our delphine letterpress calendar! I'm a little embarrassed about the rough photos ... We finally finished our photo shoot a few days ago; I'm posting some new photos on the site tonight: http://twurl.cc/1kpd. I love all the calendars you've chosen so far. If any of the designers would like to do a trade please give me a shout!

Merci again for the post. I truly appreciate your support.

Unknown said...

In case you are doing another calendar roundup, there's a new one called Maxihuge just out as well!