Wallpapered Furniture

Wallpaper by Timorous Beasties – London Toile

Loving this idea of wallpapering furniture. Bryonie Porter creates these beautiful papered pieces using wallpaper on antique and modern furniture. Using a water-based (environmentally friendly high gloss laquer) she transforms sometimes humdrum pieces into stunning works of art. I recently came across her work via Skonahem (the blog) and subsequently when I did a search I found an interview via CasaSugar.


wallpaper by Osborne & Little

wallpaper by Cole & Son

wallpaper by Timorous Beasties


Jan Halvarson

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knack said...

I have ALWAYS wanted to try this....these are absolutely beautiful! Thank you for finding them.....xo

meandering pearl said...

Hello! these are absolute eyecatchers! have a lovely day!

Jan Halvarson said...

Barb, I would love to see you do these! Let me know if you do!

freshpinkstyle said...

These are great! I love Timorous Beasties wallpaper designs!

Mira Belleza said...

That is such a neat idea. I love the first one. Red is my favorite color.

Chrissy Foreman C said...

Oh my goodness, everything about this post is serious eye candy for me! They are stunning! I want one! (or ten)

Jackie said...

So great! I am particularly into the map one. Hmmmm ... educational AND awesome! Nice.
: )

sarah said...

what a smart idea!