Have a nice weekend!

Studio SpaceSmile and Wave
I leave you this weekend with a few images taken from The Art of the Display Pool on flickr (so much inspiration there)! These ones, all with a bit of a retro feel! Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and for those of you signed up for our newsletter, we're taking a summer break with it but hope to have it back on track for September! Also our online market is still going strong, so if you'd like to see what's happening there click here!

a lovely view of a cake!Coco Cakes

Old*SchoolSmile and Wave

Jan Halvarson


surfy birdy said...

cute! that is a lovely flickr group. happy weekend!!

RachelDenbow said...

Thanks for sharing my images! Off to browse the pool.

Coco Cake Land said...

ohmigosh!! my little cake made it to the big time!!! thanks jan!

Karima Illustration said...

OMG the cake looks amazing!!! I want a piece of it!!!!