George-G's Vintage Fabric Pillows

There's just something adorable about these pillows by new etsy shop, George-G's. All of them are made from vintage material which conjure up memories of days gone by (like a visit to Grandma's house) and then are placed on this adorable chair for photographing. It all works so well. Love! See more here!

Jan Halvarson


down pillow said...

Adorable pictures and great chair. Isn't it amazing what a little color and shape can do??

Coco Cake Land said...

ooh i love the one shape of the one that looks like a 5 cent candy!! so cute!

Lauren Leiper said...

I love these pillows!so cute...i do enjoy a nice vintage design

red.neck chic said...

I am thinking of about 15 different places in my house that these pillows would be perfect in...
All of them are so cute!

Artfulife said...

Love them all!

Jan Halvarson said...

lyndsay - a 5 cent candy roll - so true! it does!

Paula Grace Designs said...

These are beautiful!
Paula Grace ~

Patrice said...

Those are beautiful and elegant looking pillows. I love the designs.