Fresh From the Oven with Will Bryant: Ethan Bodnar - Creative Grab Bag

by Will Bryant

If you are not familiar with Ethan Bodnar, then first things first, he is GOLDEN! Ethan is one of the nicest people I've met on the internet. He's a graphic designer, author, and a sophomore at Hartford Art School.

Ethan's impressive book, Creative Grab Bag, hits shelves August 28. It was published by HOW Books (F+W Pubs) and features work from 101 contributors!

"Author Ethan Bodnar created over 30 unique tasks and gave each contributor a task that was different from their typical work."

Here's a list of a few of the amazing contributors: Jeremyville, Ellen Lupton, Aaron James Draplin, Mike Perry, Marcus Walters, Linzie Hunter, The Little Friends of Printmaking, Kate Bingaman-Burt, and Scott Barry. Trust me, the list goes on!

"The book contains images of each artist’s creative task, typical work, and a biography with a short reflection on their creative process." Make sure to mark your calendars for Ethan's main stage presentation at the AIGA Biennial National Design Conference in October 2009!

Creative Grab Bag can be purchased at:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and your local bookstore!

Posted by Will Bryant

Jan Halvarson

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pollykc said...

This must be a really wonderfull book! :D

Down Comforter said...

Looks like a great book. Can't wait to check it out for myself!

simply hue said...

These are great....thanks for sharing them with us. I love the new look of your blog!