Fishnets Linen Bags

I loved these the first moment I saw them. Fishnets Linen Bags by SF's Jen Hewett. Jen silkscreened her fishnets and shoes print onto linen to create these zippered, lined bags.

Jan Halvarson


HereBeDragons said...

You're right! These are really cute. :)

kim said...

I picture these as clutches adding to the look of the owner wearing fishnets and the same color shirt. Love it!

Amy said...

These are so cute!

dahlhaus said...

These remind me so much of the Gathie Falk (Vancouver artist) installation at the Vancouver Art Gallery at her retrospective a number of years ago. She had photographed of a pair of feet, positioned so similarly to this silk-screened version, in the same type of shoes with the installation of hundreds of this same photograph, quilted together hanging from a very tall ceiling! It was really beautiful and poignant!

joanna of simple blueprint said...

so cute!

Reanna said...

And they would make a cute gift too. I know a few ladies who would love this. Interesting about the similarities to Gathie Falk... have to check it out!