Basket Case
Love this wicker binocular or fishing basket I just spotted over at Etsy tonight. I must be crazy posting it, as I'll be crushed if someone buys it and I miss out on it (while I sleep on it). Happened to me last week with a typewriter. But I just had to post about it anyway as it reminded me of this post I did last year on a great organizing idea for the kitchen.
Photo Credit: Martha Stewart
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oh, get on over there and snap it up! I have one as the basket on the front of my bike, it's perfect!
This is cute!!! I hope it's yours now =)
I strapped one to the back of my bike. Fits perfect and is great for light shopping.
I have wanted a basket (or two) like those for awhile now. Love it.
I didn't buy it, but I was close. This is super cute, I'd use it as a beach son and I go to the beach twice a week, it's perfect!
Ooh! So did you get the basket bag? Is it yours?
Love it too...
A fishing creel - the hole in top is for sliding the caught fish through. They make great mail boxes.
Winnie - I love the idea of it being a mail box! Thank you!!!!
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