100 Ladies

by Hulaseventy

Completely charmed by Danielle Distefano's 100 Ladies currently showing at Youngblood Gallery and Boutique.

I stumbled onto the show while visiting Youngblood (one of my favorite places in Atlanta) and was totally smitten.

Tattoo artist Danielle Distefano's beautifully detailed watercolor portraits pay homage to the sweetest of tattoo subjects.

In love with the vintage feel of the colors, the reds and blues, the creamy skin tones. In love with the way crimson roses punctuate the portraits with nostalgia.

100 Ladies will be on display at Youngblood Gallery through August 30th and each framed and numbered piece will be available for purchase once the show is over. I don't know about you but I'd love to have a ruby-lipped, finger-waved beauty hanging someplace in my home. Next best thing to an original tattoo.

Posted by Hulaseventy

Jan Halvarson


Corrie said...

These are so great!
And how crazy to see this here...
Danielle did my husband's first tattoo a few years ago - she does lovely work!

ana isabel said...

these are so so rad! wow so inspired by them!

jamieofalltrades said...

Very cool. Love this style. If I got a tattoo this would be the style I would rock.

Chrissy Foreman C said...

DIVINE all over!!

Jen said...

this is so bizarre never been to this blog before...and i live right down the street from youngblood.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful collection. I would take all these amazing portraits and hang them on my wall at home. They're so intimate and unique.