Today we're kicking off our first post on our "virtual" Road Trip '09 from Portland, Oregon and we're pleased to have Abby Powell Thompson of abbytrysagain.com show us her city. Abby is a Portland based, self taught photographer who documents her daily life in film. The cameras she uses are vintage ones she's picked up and tinkered with. Her main camera is a broken Yashica tl-electro. She runs her personal blog called abby trys again as well as a small online shop where she sells prints of her photos. Her photos are often full of colors and soft focus. We asked Abby to send us some photo's and links that one would find in Portland. We of course loved what she sent! Thanks Abby!
Name: Abby Powell Thompson
Hometown: Portland, OR
Blog: abbytrysagain.com / Shop: abbytryagain.com
No. 1. REST:

Image is an Airstream parked in our neighborhood. Trailers dot the landscape here in Portland, it's not uncommon to see them parked all around.
No. 2. TREATS:

My cool treats pick ice cold home made chocolates. The ones pictured are made with local rosemary and local hazlenuts as well as organic cocoa. They are served with delicious espresso sodas and can be found at the very tiny but beautiful place called Sahagun. www.sahagunchocolates.com

My summer activity is a visit to Portland's Rose Gardens. They are perched on top of a hill overlooking the city and are in bloom in June through September. It's amazing just wandering through the acres of all sorts of beautiful roses. www.rosegardenstore.org/thegardensoverview.cfm

My souvenir that I would bring home from Portland would be a one of kind Karaline dress. The dresses are handmade in Portland and are timeless classics. They are available at tumbleweed boutique. www.tumbleweedboutique.com

My all time favorite store in Portland is Ink+Peat. It's one part flower shop, one part vintage goods store and one part home furnishings. The displays are always great, too.
Written and photographed by Abby Powell Thompson,
abbytrysagain.com shop: abbytryagain.com
Great post, Abby!
I love the colours in your film work. Just beautiful.
Thanks for having me, Jan!
yay! abby is such a gem!
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