Pretty Stoneware


Loving this lacey stoneware for the bath from Anthropologie they just listed. I can't seem to get out of that shop lately, and these new stoneware pieces aren't helping. What I'm liking most about these is they don't have the Anthropologie price tag. Ranging from $13 - 40 (Canadian). The Trinket piece (bottom right of first image) opens into three vessels.

Jan Halvarson


    FoundVintageStyle said...

    oh those ARE nice!
    good news about the price too... there aren't too many bargains going on in there!

    lisa solomon said...

    loving the white on white

    Unknown said...

    Those pieces are gorgeous! I'm all about the White accessories these days it really adds punch to a bold wall colour, or when put with other whites gives a serene spa like feel. Great Post!

    Sam said...

    Totally charming and timeless! They would go with anything too.

    Little Lovables said...

    these are lovely, would be wonderful filled with treats

    Afsaneh said...

    Great find! They are so beautiful and precious! White is one of the prettiest colors :)

    Laura said...

    I wish we had this shop in Calgary! I'm so glad they are on the web. These pieces are so beautiful, they remind me of the bathroom items my grandmother had.

    Megan said...

    These totally remind me of Jonathan Adler - and his collection of word vases/jars he did this year:,default,pd.html

    Maria said...

    wow. they just opened their second shop in toronto...think i need to visit this weekend...