Crafting a Change - The Just Work Story

by Amy of Just Work (from The Handmade Artist blog)

As I walk into the pottery studio at Just Work each Wednesday with my fellow volunteers we are greeted by a sea of hellos. Most of the voices are loud and cheerful, with a few quieter ones mixed in.

The joy contradicts the struggle that many of our potters face. Some are homeless, others are struggling with mental illness or addiction - some all three.

Their common thread - they all want to work, and they find making pottery calms them, gives them a creative outlet, and the studio provides them with a sense of community. With their unique struggles most are unable to find traditional forms of employment and that is where Just Work comes in - a non-profit organization located in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada). As a result of being part of Just Work many individuals are able to eventually return to the traditional workforce.

We have been so grateful for the warm welcome we have received from the handmade community over the last few months! We want to offer a special discount of 10% off for all Poppytalk readers from now until Aug. 15th, 2009. Please enter code Poppytalk at checkout and we will provide a revised invoice.

Click here to visit our Etsy store
Click here to learn more about our organization

~ Amy

Jan Halvarson

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