70 Reasons to buy handmade +vintage Part 2

genevieve dionnebirch cup by genevievedionne.etsy.com
Continuing with our 70 Reasons to Buy Handmade series, here are the next seven. No. 8. Buying handmade shows our children that not everything in this world needs to be mass produced. It teaches them to love and appreciate the unique and the imperfect. And it inspires them to do their own creating as well. Jill Bent.

Feel free to add your own reasons to buy handmade in the comments along with a link and we could use yours in our next posts!

SWEETSHORN VINTAGEsweetshorn.etsy.comNo. 9. Avoid the malls! No crowds, no traffic, no sea of same, same, same, no depressing crush of commercialism. Key Lime Design

rural disporiaMsSlippers.etsy.com (Rural Diaspora)No. 10. Encourages independent thinking that breaks corporation's homogenizing tendencies. Chikabird and Ladies & Gentlemen

RAQUEL MASRIraquelmasri.etsy.comNo. 11. Because you could own the next Rothko, Mapplethorpe, etc! The Green Zebra

monkeysalwayslook.etsy.comNo. 12. Embraces and celebrates the diversity of regional cultures, ideas, and resources from around the world. Chikabird and Ladies & Gentlemen

petit coteriePetitCoterie.etsy.comNo. 13 Because someone else is using their talents to create gifts and decor that I myself cannot make. Scribble It.

Persimmon and Pinepersimmonandpine.etsy.comNo. 14. When you give a handmade gift it's more like writing a letter to someone than giving them a gift-certificate. Paperiaarre.

To be continued...

Jan Halvarson


Cath @ chunkychooky said...

reason number??: because someone was enjoying making something and now there is a little peice of them in your house...

Novi On The Go said...

Handmade products are more personal, they're gifts from the heart. They speak the truth! And because I prefer handmade.

alexkeller said...

i cannot imagine life without being able to create.

FoundVintageStyle said...

The personal connection you make that just isn't there in mass consumerism.

V A R I E G A T E D said...

You can choose to buy or to make things that really represent who you are; not who big corporate marketers think you should be. In this economy it's more important than ever to support small independent business even if you have to spend a little more.

Katy McDevitt said...

Handmade is the anti-slick. Handmade is heart and soul and guts. Handmade is I can feel the humanity in the object. I have the big loves for the handmade. Yep.

Vanessa said...

When you buy vintage, you connect with a larger story of a well-made item that deserves to be used instead of thrown away. It is green, it is resourceful, it is creative, it is romantic.


second storie said...

this is an amazing collection of finds!

found paper co. said...

I'm not usually a fan of pink, but I'd take that pink typewriter in a heart beat! Love this ongoing list!

Kate M. said...

Just found some awesome vintage cannisters in the Sweetshorn shop. Thanks for the brilliant discoveries!

Anonymous said...

I grew up being "dragged" antiquing and to vintage stores all over Massachusetts... Now that I have my own place, it's the only way to decorate.

lisa solomon said...

yay! can't wait to get to 70!

Amy said...

giving + receiving handmade is like sharing a piece of your heart.

Bess said...

Because having something handmade could well inspire you to try making something by hand yourself.


Anonymous said...

My mom had an avocado green type writer just like that when I was young. I used to play on it all the time and get my fingers caught in it because some of the letters were missing. That brings back memories. I wonder if she still has that in her garage?

Anonymous said...

The number one reason, you can feel the love inside the item. Whatever handmade you get is like a hug every time you get near it. Particularly if it's something soft like wool.