Summer Showers & Jars of Green

Summer Showers by Golly Bard

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with rain. Living in the Pacific Northwest we definitely get our share of the wet stuff and are often the brunt of many a good rain joke. But because it does down pour ever so often, we're also used to the lush green that comes with it. So after all the warm weather we've been having I was getting a little homesick for the stuff! What, did I just say that? So without further a dew (pun intended), we bring you some summer showers and lush jars of green!

Half Full Photo Print by Alicia Bock

Cloche No. 1 by Golly Bard

Rain Drops from Bookhou

Moss Terrarium by Made by Mavis

Miniature Raindrop by Ashleyg

Jan Halvarson


Anna Betts said...

Ooh snap! How strange, I'd just been working on these yesterday. We've been having storms over here in the UK the last few days. I do hope they won't carry on through our supposed "Summer"! Lovely things here :) Especially Golly Bard's.

lisa solomon said...

beautiful.... the green that comes from/with rain is so lovely. we need more rain down here...

Julie said...

Literally half an hour ago I was talking to my boyfriend (we live at Commercial Dr.), saying that I wished we could just have one day of rain again. He looked at me like I was crazy, but I'm really starting to get bored with all this sunshine! Well, looks like it may rain today, anyways.

holly aka golly said...

Jan, thank you kindly for the feature! I'm so happy to be here! I love the moss terrarium and AshleyG is always inspiring!

found paper co. said...

We've been having PLENTY of rain out here in Connecticut. Please feel free to take some of it! Love your lush nature collection.

Bri said...

Wow, amazing! I was just up there and I'm so jealous about all of the green (I live in Southern Arizona). I love that first watercolor - it looks so FULL.

otisandfrank said...

ahhh, i love the rain, it makes me feel cozy (i live in vancouver too).
ps. i gave you an award over on my blog because you're such an inspiration, thank you!