PHM Showcase: U to Z

While we work behind the scenes moving servers, we are posting our current market participants here on the blog. Find them all in alphabetical order (reversed). Each link goes directly to the participants shop and the images are in order with the text. We will have our site (Poppytalk Handmade) back up next week, and are extending the "Here Comes the Sun" market an extra week to make up for time lost. Meanwhile, we have listed all our market participants here if you wish to visit. Click on an artist's name and you'll be directed right to their online shop and you can start shopping immediately!

Featuring U to Z: unravelling; vivienne strauss; with wallpaper; wiyomu; xenotees; yellena; zelaya

Jan Halvarson


Leciawp said...

great showcase!

Art Wall Katie said...

lovely market. Not sure if this is intentional but the links are taking me to a flickr page, not the shops. FYI

Jan Halvarson said...

You need to click on the text links to get to the shops. The images just take you to flickr.