Shop Name: salt and syrup
Website(s): SaltSyrup.etsy.com and saltsyrup.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 113
Location: Stockholm

small screen designs

Shop Name: small screen designs
Website(s): sarstar77.etsy.com
Blog: smallscreendesigns.blogspot.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 123
Location: Cleveland, OH

story by mia

Shop Name: story by mia
Website(s): storybymia.etsy.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 133
Location: NYC

sunshine and ravioli

Shop Name: sunshine and ravioli
Website(s): SunshineandRavioli.etsy.co
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 136
Location: The North Country


Shop Name: sweetbeets
Website(s): sweetbeets.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 141
Location: Canada

sweet graphics

Shop Name: sweet graphics
Website(s): shop.sweetgraphics.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 154
Location: London, UK

sweet pea ink

Shop Name: sweet pea ink
Website(s): sweetpeaink.etsy.com
Blog: sweetpeaink.typepad.com/borntofly
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 140
Location: Leesburg

the great lakes

Shop Name: the great lakes
Website(s): thegreatlakes.etsy.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 144
Location: Chicago

the petite press

Shop Name: the petite press
Website(s): thepetitepress.com
Blog: thepetitepress.blogspot.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. <114
Location: Lawrence, KA

two guitars

Shop Name: two guitars
Website(s): twoguitars.etsy.com
Blog: myyearinbeer.blogspot.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 86
Location: Portland, Oregon

uccello curioso

Shop Name: uccello curioso
Website(s): uccellocurioso.etsy.com
Blog: uccellocurioso.blogspot.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 148
Location: Los Angeles


Shop Name: zoetropa
Website(s): zoetropa.etsy.com
Blog: zoetropa.blogspot.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 120
Location: Boston, MA

1 comment:
i LOVE all of these but the great lakes happy, happy day is my absolute FAVE!!!
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