Happenings at The Handmade Artist

Angie Muldowney is featuring some photo's she's taken with her Lubitel 2 and offering 20% off on photos (see her post here for the discount code); Stephanie Levy has some new fine art archival card sets; Sycamore Street Press has declared it A Month of Paper on her blog, kicking it off last week with a post reavealing their new website. For the entire month, she'll be posting two paper people Q & A's every week on her blog with some of her favourite participants in the NSS (sounds awesome); and New York photographer, Gary Heller is featuring some of his latest works which are to be included in his bird series currently on exhibit at the Color of Hope spring group art exhibit put on by the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition.


Jan Halvarson

1 comment:

Luna Levy said...

Thanks Jan :)
You are my blog angel!