circus violet


Loving the new Circus Violet collection from Violet Studio that I just got a glimpse of after lunch. From playful porcelain and prints to whimsical stamps and wall stickers, creators, Camilla Engman and Elisabeth Dunker bring magic to home decor. Click here to view the entire collection.


Jan Halvarson


    Lizzy said...

    Oh my gosh! I am totally loving their stuff! Thanks for introducing them.

    Hello Lindello said...

    eeep! I LOVE that plate. Thanks for sharing..Off to check it out!

    Waxy said...

    Like the teacup with the mustache on the saucer! And the fact there is a design inside the teacup! You don't see enough of fun stuff like that!

    renee anne said...

    oh thank you so much for sharing this!! I am addicted to plates and cups and the moment and these are just wonderful.

    I think I might have to reblog if you don't mind!!

    renee x

    Mad Em said...

    loving this stuff... fantastic stamps. inspiring.

    Jan Halvarson said...

    renee - of course - just link back to us somewhere in there - thanks!

    our little love nest said...

    I was just at their site the other day and fell in love with those raindrops and her son's hammock too.xo

    surfy birdy said...

    aww i love fine little day and her studio violet. such adorable creations. :)

    brooklyn_codger said...

    Best wallpaper ever.

    arounna said...

    how beautiful!! can't wait to TRY and get one.

    Coco Cake Land said...

    GOODNESS GRACIOUS! what awesome stuff!!!

    babelfish said...

    I saw these the other day, what can I say Studio Violet is fab!