Call for Submissions: Paper Pops Market!

Mother's Day card from La Familia Green

We just took a look and found the deadline for the Poppytalk Handmade "Paper Pops" Market - a papergoods and affordable art themed market is this Saturday, April 25th! This market is lined up at the same time as the National Stationery Show in New York. We are looking for mainly papergoods (from file folders to journals) and affordable art (work under $100).

If you are planning on participating at the NSS - we encourage you to read It's Showtime - a post by Susy Jack on the steps to preparing for the show. She also mentioned Poppytalk Handmade in this post and it's benefits to participating in it at the same time as the show.

Please submit your submissions to poppytalkblog[at]yahoo[dot]ca with the words "PAPER POPS" in the subject line.

Jan Halvarson

1 comment:

French Blast said...

Very beautiful card! I love it!