Cool Decorating Trick: Paint it White!

paint it white

We love this classic decorating trick as seen in the April '09 issue of Canadian Home and Country magazine by collector Patti Redford. Using Benjamin Moore's Decorator's White, she painted this vintage cabinet to display her colourful pastel Grindley and McCoy pottery. Photo by Janis Nicolay

Jan Halvarson


Fiona Cartolina said...

This looks great especially against that mottled wall.

Dee said...

So simple but effective.

Gabrielle of Design Mom said...

Such a great shot. All those pastels have me feeling spring-y.

Jenny Sue Jewelry said...

that's my favorite home decorating trick!

Banana-head Pancake said...

oh, I'm jealous...

Patchwork Harmony said...

oooh... I wonder would this spruce up some old ikea furniture....?! made do and mend! :)

DesignTies said...

Love how the beautiful and colourful pottery becomes the focal point and not the cabinet... fab!
Victoria: EdinDesign Interiors @ DesignTies

Helenna said...

Ha! I think everyone around me is sick of me painting everything white! I am still obsessed with it as it just looks so clean and fresh and just look at how everything in that cabinet is suddenly a feature. Lovely.

Renée Anne Bouffard-McManus said...

I love this! I think it has convinced me to paint my bedroom dressers. Gorgeous, thanks for posting this!