We found the perfect suitcase for a valentine's getaway. Not too big, not too small, upcycled and red! From getreadysetgo.etsy.com.
Exciting news! I have taken the plunge and have moved Poppytalk onto Wordpress (well, a good portion of it anyway —many of the archive po...
Dang it... I read Valentine's giveaway and started off daydreaming. Well... thanks for that mini-break. If you decide to hand that out as a prize, please let me know. *grins*
Sigh. Just about anything with a fleur de lis on it is amazing in my book.
Thanks for sharing!
Oh Feur de Lis... Canadian and simply lovely!!
Awww this is so cute!
It looks nice!! Great stuff for Valentines Day...
I LOVE Get Ready Set Goes stuff!
i diggin this suitcase so much!!
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