guitar home

moleskine sketch 026

I came across this awesome moleskine sketch by Mike Thomas on flickr tonight which got me thinking about our own guitar pile situation and how each time I think about how to display these things (as we have no choice - there is just no more closet space left) I keep coming up empty. If we had a music room, it would be easy I think, I'd just hang them all on the wall. But since we don't and the only option is the living room I thought, other people must have this dilema as well, no? So why not start a flickr group titled Guitar Home? Anyone? Upload your guitar displays in your home, share your ideas, inspire us! We'd love to see! Can a place look good with lots of guitars in the mix? Click here to join and upload!

Jan Halvarson


Carrie said...

Oh, first to join :)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

oh, thank god! i just moved in to a 350 sq. ft. apartment with my boyfriend who has SEVEN GUITARS. help.

Anonymous said...

I stacked mine and made a coffee table.